Archive for hufflepuff


Posted in Harry Potter, Pottermore with tags , , on 09/21/2011 by A. Chels

You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,
And unafraid of toil.

I interrupt this undeclared hiatus with the announcement that it’s finally very much over!  And I also bring a brief explanation—I went on vacation.

No, I didn’t go on vacation for the better part of a month.  I went on vacation for a week, and that was more than enough time to derail me from all of my writing schedules, because apparently without internet I’m even less productive than I am with internet.  Except for when it comes to writing Dramione fanfic. I did a lot of that while away.

Anyway, I am now back! And with my back-ness I bring to you this post!  It is about Pottermore!

I got into Pottermore a few weeks ago, as anyone who follows me on Twitter is already more than aware, since all I’ve done since then is brew potions and whine when my potions (and other various parts of the site) don’t work.  This post, however, is not about potions.  It is about the Sorting.  At least, it’s about my Sorting, because saying too much about everything might anger the Pottermore Gods, and no one wants that.

Well, I was in Ravenclaw...

So then, Sorting.  I suppose you should all know, first, that everyone I know—myself included—expected I would Sort into Ravenclaw.  It was a generally accepted fact that I would end up at the Ravenclaw table with very little deliberation at all on the part of the Sorting Hat.  I even had the beginnings of a blog post put together detailing the process of creating the Ravenclaw costume I made for Halloween a few years ago.

And then I was Sorted.

And I was not put in Ravenclaw.

Instead, I found myself staring at a brilliant yellow standard declaring the Sorting Hat’s decision to put me in Hufflepuff.

Not at all chagrined (though certainly a bit disappointed) because I had seen this coming even if no one else had (and in the back of my mind I certainly hoped I would get the chance to find out all I could about Hufflepuff because it’s the House the books shed the least light on) I read my welcome letter, written by Hufflepuff prefect Gabriel Truman.

And I was home!

Are Hufflepuff a bunch of duffers? Maybe. We’re certainly in last place—by far—for the Pottermore House Cup.  But after reading the Welcome letter, I know certainly feel quite at home there.  And the common room is full of the nicest, most encouraging people you will ever meet.  At least those who aren’t bothering us just to whine and moan about having been Sorted into Hufflepuff.

That said; I’m still going to Sort again when I get a chance, to see if maybe, just maybe, I can get stuck into Ravenclaw. I’ve thought about some of the Sorting Hat questions a bit, and I can definitely see places where I might, upon reflection, change my answers.

Maybe, though, just maybe I’ll get put into a different house entirely when I do that second Sorting.  I’ve read all of the House welcome letters now, and honestly? I don’t know if Ravenclaw’s elitist attitude is quite to my speed.  I think the competitive nature of the house might eat me alive.  I actually think—and here’s something I never would have said before getting into Pottermore—that the Slytherin welcoming letter made the house sound much more appealing to me than Ravenclaw.

So, we’ll see.  I will be sure to update you all on where I stand when that second Sorting is complete!

Hey, at least everyone knows what the House mascot is.

Side note: I’m going to be playing with the blog layout for the next little while, since I don’t really think the Fleur de Lys fits at all or does anything for it.  So if it’s unfamiliar for the next little while, don’t freak, there’s nothing wrong with your computer or your link!